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Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 27(4)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534848


Introducción: En Cuba, los defectos congénitos constituyen la segunda causa de muerte en niños menores de un año, por lo cual ocupan un lugar prioritario en los programas médicos sociales del país. Objetivo: Evaluar el comportamiento epidemiológico del diagnóstico prenatal de los defectos congénitos en Holguín, Cuba. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal de la epidemiología de los defectos congénitos en la provincia de Holguín, Cuba, en el periodo de enero 2011- junio de 2020. Resultados: Los años con mayor número de defectos congénitos diagnosticados fueron: 2011, 2012, 2017 y 2018 con 308, 253, 290 y 236 pacientes, respectivamente. Los defectos congénitos más frecuentes fueron: cardiovasculares (comunicación interventricular, canal auriculoventricular, transposición de grandes vasos e hipoplasia de cavidades), renales (pielocaliectasia, hidronefrosis, riñones poliquísticos), y del sistema nervioso central (ventriculomegalia, hidrocefalia). El grupo de edad materna donde se realizó mayor número de diagnósticos fue entre 20-24 años, la mayoría en el segundo trimestre de la gestación; en el primer trimestre, el mayor número de defectos congénitos correspondió a los defectos de pared anterior. La tasa de mortalidad infantil por defectos congénitos se mantuvo estable en la mayoría de los años estudiados. Conclusiones: La estabilidad y perfeccionamiento del programa de diagnóstico prenatal de los defectos congénitos, y el asesoramiento genético adecuado, han tenido un resultado epidemiológico favorable en la provincia.

Introduction: congenital defects in Cuba are the second cause of death in children under one year of age that is why they occupy a priority place in the social medical programs of the country. Objective: to evaluate the epidemiological manifestation of the prenatal diagnosis of congenital defects in Holguín, Cuba. Methods: a descriptive and cross-sectional study of the epidemiology of birth defects was carried out in Holguín province, Cuba from January 2011 to June 2020. Results: the years with the highest number of diagnosed birth defects were 2011, 2012, 2017 and 2018 with 308, 253, 290 and 236 patients, respectively. The most frequent birth defects were cardiovascular (ventricular septal defect, atrioventricular canal, transposition of the great vessels and hypoplasia of cavities), renal (pyelokaliectasia, hydronephrosis and polycystic kidneys), and central nervous system (ventriculomegaly and hydrocephalus). The maternal age group in which the highest number of diagnoses was made was between 20-24 years, mostly in the second trimester of pregnancy; the largest number of congenital defects in the first trimester corresponded to anterior wall defects. The infant mortality rate due to congenital defects remained stable in most of the years studied. Conclusions: the stability and improvement of the prenatal diagnosis program for congenital defects, as well as an adequate genetic counseling, have had a favourable epidemiological result in the province.

Congenital Abnormalities , Prenatal Diagnosis , Heart Septal Defects
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 88(6): 351-358, dic. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530033


Objetivo: Reportar el resultado a largo plazo de una serie de fetos con agenesia del septum pellucidum aislada (ASP), con medición de su quiasma óptico mediante neurosonografía fetal (NSG). Método: Se incluyeron todas las pacientes con ASP y NSG evaluadas desde el año 2008 a la fecha y con seguimiento hasta su edad escolar. En todos los casos se consignaron los datos clínicos de NSG y de resonancia magnética (RM), cuando esta se realizó. Se entrevistó telefónicamente a los padres. Resultados: Nueve pacientes cumplieron los criterios: cuatro con displasia septo-óptica (DSO) (rango de seguimiento: 5-14 años) y cinco sin DSO (rango de seguimiento: 7-10 años). Un décimo caso se excluyó por tener solo 6 meses de seguimiento. Ninguna de las ASP tuvo otra anomalía detectada en su seguimiento. Ninguno de los casos con DSO tuvo alteración del tamaño de su quiasma óptico en la NSG ni anormalidad en la vía óptica en la RM. Conclusiones: En nuestra población, el riesgo residual de DSO frente a ASP es del 44,4%. En el seguimiento, nuestra definición de ASP por NSG no tuvo falsos negativos con relación a otras anomalías de aparición posnatal, a excepción de la DSO.

Objective: To report the long-term outcome of a series of fetuses with isolated septum pellucidum agenesis (ASP) with measurement of their optic chiasm by fetal neurosonography (NSG). Method: All patients with ASP and NSG evaluated from 2008 to date and with follow-up until their school age were included. In all cases, clinical, NSG and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data were recorded. Parents were interviewed by telephone. Results: Nine patients met the criteria: four with septo-optic dysplasia (SOD) (follow-up range: 5-14 years) and five without SOD (follow-up range: 7-10 years). A tenth case was excluded because only 6 months of follow-up. None of the ASP cases had another anomaly detected in their follow-up. None of the cases with DSO had anomaly of the size of their optic chiasm on NSG or abnormality in the optical pathway in the MRI. Conclusions: In our population, the residual risk of DSO versus ASP is 44.4%. At follow-up, our NSG definition of ASP had no false negatives in relation to other postnatal-onset anomalies, except for SOD.

Pregnancy , Prenatal Diagnosis , Septo-Optic Dysplasia/pathology , Septo-Optic Dysplasia/diagnostic imaging , Septum Pellucidum/pathology , Septum Pellucidum/diagnostic imaging , Pregnancy Outcome , Fetal Diseases
Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol ; 74(4): 310-316, dic. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1536076


Objetivos: Describir un caso de diagnóstico prenatal de síndrome de Freeman-Sheldon mediante hallazgos ecográficos y secuenciación completa del exoma fetal. Materiales y métodos: Mujer de 33 años, con antecedentes de hipotiroidismo en tratamiento, a quien en semana 19 se realizó ecografía de detalle anatómico, en la cual se observaron deformidades en el feto en más de dos áreas corporales (extremidades superiores e inferiores), sugiriendo el diagnóstico de artrogriposis. Posteriormente, se brindó asesoría genética y se realizó amniocentesis en semana 20 de gestación, con análisis de la hibridación in situ por fluorescencia, seguido de secuenciación completa del exoma fetal. Este último examen permitió identificar una variante patogénica heterocigota en el gen MYH3, la cual se asocia con la artrogriposis distal tipo 2A. Conclusiones: La realización de la secuenciación completa de exoma fetal es un factor clave para identificar la mutación del gen MYH3, y confirma que las deformidades evidenciadas por ultrasonido estaban relacionadas con la artrogriposis distal tipo 2A. Es importante hacer la secuenciación de exoma fetal en fetos que muestren hallazgos de malformaciones articulares en el ultrasonido prenatal.

Objectives: To describe a case of prenatal diagnosis of Freeman-Sheldon syndrome based on ultrasound findings and complete fetal exome sequencing. Materials and methods: A 33-year-old woman currently on treatment for hypothyroidism in whom a 19-week detailed anatomical ultrasound scan showed fetal deformities in more than two body areas (upper and lower limbs), suggesting a diagnosis of arthrogryposis. Genetic counseling was provided and amniocentesis was performed at 20 weeks for fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis and complete fetal exome sequencing, with the latter allowing the identification of a heterozygous pathogenic variant of the MYH3 gene which is associated with type 2A distal arthrogryposis. Conclusions: Complete fetal exome sequencing was a key factor in identifying the MYH3 gene mutation and confirmed that the deformities seen on ultrasound were associated with type 2A distal arthrogryposis. It is important to perform complete fetal exome sequencing in cases of joint malformations seen on prenatal ultrasound.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Prenatal Diagnosis , Arthrogryposis , Syndrome , Exome , Talipes
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 88(5): 224-228, oct. 2023. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530020


In skeletal dysplasias, there are short rib polydactyly syndromes, which traditionally differentiate into four lethal types. This report describes a case of Type III, which presented characteristics of Types I and II. A 38-year-old woman presented fetal growth restriction at 17 weeks and 6 days, decreased amniotic fluid, enlarged and hyperechogenic kidneys, and long bones below the 3rd percentile. Three weeks later, she developed anhydramnia. The couple did not consent to the performance of an invasive test for genetic diagnosis and chose to maintain the pregnancy. At 33 weeks, due to premature labor and interactivity, a cesarean section was performed, giving birth to a female baby, who died due to respiratory failure there were no vocal cords and no trachea visible at laryngoscopy. On physical examination, he had the phenotypic characteristics of the syndrome. An X-ray showed short ribs and severe pulmonary hypoplasia. After birth, the parents chose not to carry out a genetic study or an anatomical examination. Researchers have suggested that there is an intersection of the anatomical changes of the types. This case report supports this theory.

En las displasias esqueléticas, existen síndromes de polidactilia de costillas cortas, que tradicionalmente se diferencian en cuatro tipos letales. Este reporte describe un caso del tipo III, que presentó características de los tipos I y II. Mujer de 38 años con restricción del crecimiento fetal a las 17 semanas y 6 días, líquido amniótico disminuido, riñones agrandados e hiperecogénicos y huesos largos por debajo del percentil 3. Tres semanas después, desarrolló anhidramnia. La pareja no consintió en la realización de una prueba invasiva de diagnóstico genético y optó por mantener el embarazo. A las 33 semanas, debido al parto prematuro y la interactividad, se realizó una cesárea, dando a luz a un bebé, que murió debido a una insuficiencia respiratoria: no había cuerdas vocales ni tráquea visible en la laringoscopia. Al examen físico presentaba las características fenotípicas del síndrome. Una radiografía mostró costillas cortas e hipoplasia pulmonar severa. Después del nacimiento, los padres optaron por no realizar un estudio genético ni un examen anatómico. Los investigadores han sugerido que existe una intersección de los cambios anatómicos de los tipos. Este reporte de caso apoya esta teoría.

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Osteochondrodysplasias/genetics , Short Rib-Polydactyly Syndrome/genetics , Prenatal Diagnosis , Short Rib-Polydactyly Syndrome/classification , Short Rib-Polydactyly Syndrome/diagnostic imaging , Radiography/methods , Chromosome Mapping , Mutation
Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 27(3)sept. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514487


Introducción: Las anomalías congénitas renales y de las vías urinarias constituyen la principal causa de enfermedad renal crónica en la edad pediátrica. Su etiología es multifactorial. Intervienen factores maternos, genéticos y ambientales. En Cuba, las afecciones congénitas del riñón y las vías urinarias constituyen una latente preocupación y aunque se ha incrementado el diagnóstico prenatal de las mismas, el número de pacientes diagnosticados es alto. Objetivo: Contribuir al conocimiento de la comunidad científica en relación con los factores de riesgo asociados a las anomalías del desarrollo renal. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura médica disponible en las bases de datos Ebsco, SciELO, Scopus, Pubmed, revistas de nefrología pediátrica, pediatría, genética y teratología; y en la red social académica: Researchgate. Se accedió, durante los últimos cinco años, a varios artículos publicados en español y en inglés. Se utilizaron los descriptores Congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract, hydronephrosis, risk factors, prenatal diagnosis, congenital abnormalities. Conclusiones: La presencia de la diabetes, desde la etapa preconcepcional y durante las primeras semanas del embarazo, la obesidad, las dietas maternas bajas en proteínas, y las alteraciones de la fertilidad, se asocian a las anomalías del desarrollo renal. Existen factores de riesgo específicos para determinados tipos de defectos congénitos renales y de las vías urinarias. No se considera, que el consumo del ácido fólico tenga un papel protector sobre las alteraciones de la embriogénesis renal, por lo que se recomienda ser cauteloso con la dosis que se administra a las embarazadas.

Introduction: congenital renal and urinary tract anomalies are the main cause of chronic kidney disease in children. Its etiology is multifactorial. Maternal, genetic and environmental factors are involved. In Cuba, congenital renal and urinary tract affections constitute a latent concern, and although their prenatal diagnoses have increased, the number of diagnosed patients is high. Objective: to contribute to the knowledge of the scientific community in relation to the risk factors associated with renal developmental anomalies. Methods: a systematic review of the available medical literature was carried out in Ebsco, SciELO, Scopus and Pubmed databases, in pediatric nephrology, pediatrics, genetics, and teratology journals as well as in the academic social network: Researchgate. Several articles published in Spanish and English languages were accessed during the last five years. The used descriptors were congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract, hydronephrosis, risk factors, prenatal diagnosis and congenital abnormalities. Conclusions: the presence of diabetes, from the preconceptional stage and during the first weeks of pregnancy, obesity, maternal diets low in protein, and fertility disorders, are associated with renal developmental anomalies. There are specific risk factors for certain types of kidney and urinary tract birth defects. It is not considered that the consumption of folic acid has a protective role on the alterations of renal embryogenesis, so it is recommended to be cautious with the dose administered to pregnant women.

Prenatal Diagnosis , Congenital Abnormalities , Urogenital Abnormalities , Risk Factors , Hydronephrosis
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 88(3): 138-142, jun. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515202


Objetivo: Determinar el grupo RhD fetal a través del estudio del gen RHD en ADN fetal que se encuentra libre en plasma de embarazadas RhD negativo. Método: Se analizó la presencia de los genes RHD, SRY y BGLO en ADNfl obtenido de plasma de 51 embarazadas RhD negativo no sensibilizadas, utilizando una qPCR. Los resultados del estudio genético del gen RHD se compararon con el estudio del grupo sanguíneo RhD realizado por método serológico en muestras de sangre de cordón, y los resultados del estudio del gen SRY fueron cotejados con el sexo fetal determinado por ecografía. Se calcularon la sensibilidad, la especificidad, los valores predictivos y la capacidad discriminativa del método estandarizado. Resultados: El gen RHD estaba presente en el 72,5% de las muestras y el gen SRY en el 55,5%, coincidiendo en un 100% con los resultados del grupo RhD detectado en sangre de cordón y con el sexo fetal confirmado por ecografía, respectivamente. Conclusiones: Fue posible deducir el grupo sanguíneo RhD del feto mediante el estudio del ADN fetal que se encuentra libre en el plasma de embarazadas con un método molecular no invasivo desarrollado y validado para este fin. Este test no invasivo puede ser utilizado para tomar la decisión de administrar inmunoglobulina anti-D solo a embarazadas RhD negativo que portan un feto RhD positivo.

Objective: To determine the fetal RhD group through the study of the RHD gene in fetal DNA found free in plasma of RhD negative pregnant women. Method: The presence of the RHD, SRY and BGLO genes in fetal DNA obtained from plasma of 51 non-sensitized RhD negative pregnant women was analyzed using qPCR. The results of the genetic study of the RHD gene were compared with the RhD blood group study performed by serological method in cord blood samples, and the results of the SRY gene study were compared with the fetal sex determined by ultrasound. Sensitivity, specificity, predictive values and discriminative capacity of the standardized method were calculated. Results: The RHD gene was present in 72.5% of the samples and the SRY gene in 55.5%, coinciding 100% with the results of the RhD group detected in cord blood, and with the fetal sex confirmed by ultrasound, respectively. Conclusions: It was possible to deduce the RhD blood group of the fetus through the study of fetal DNA found free in the plasma of pregnant women with a non-invasive molecular method developed and validated for this purpose. This non-invasive test can be used to make the decision to administer anti-D immunoglobulin only to RhD-negative pregnant women carrying an RhD-positive fetus.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Rh-Hr Blood-Group System/genetics , DNA , Erythroblastosis, Fetal/diagnosis , Erythroblastosis, Fetal/genetics , Phenotype , Prenatal Diagnosis , Rh-Hr Blood-Group System/blood , Predictive Value of Tests , Sensitivity and Specificity , Rho(D) Immune Globulin , Genes, sry/genetics , Erythroblastosis, Fetal/blood , Fetal Diseases/diagnosis , Fetal Diseases/genetics , Fetal Diseases/blood , Genotype
FEMINA ; 51(5): 292-296, 20230530.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512407


PONTOS-CHAVE • A incidência de câncer durante a gestação tem aumentado devido à tendência das mulheres em postergar a gravidez. O câncer de colo de útero é a terceira neoplasia mais comumente diagnosticada durante o período gestacional. • O rastreamento e o diagnóstico devem se dar como nas pacientes não gestantes; a citologia oncótica cervical é o exame obrigatório do pré-natal, e a colposcopia com biópsia pode ser realizada em qualquer período da gestação. • A gestação complicada pelo diagnóstico de um câncer deve sempre ser conduzida em centro de referência e por equipe multidisciplinar. • A interrupção da gestação em situações específicas, para tratamento-padrão, é respaldada por lei. • A quimioterapia neoadjuvante é uma alternativa segura de tratamento durante a gestação, para permitir alcançar a maturidade fetal. Apresenta altas taxas de resposta, sendo relatada progressão neoplásica durante a gestação em apenas 2,9% dos casos. O risco de malformações fetais decorrentes da quimioterapia é semelhante ao da população geral. Contudo, a quimioterapia está associada a restrição de crescimento intraútero, baixo peso ao nascer e mielotoxicidade neonatal. • Na ausência de progressão de doença, deve-se levar a gestação até o termo.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pregnancy , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/diagnosis , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/prevention & control , Women's Health , Pregnancy Complications, Neoplastic/prevention & control , Prenatal Diagnosis , Thorax/diagnostic imaging , Congenital Abnormalities/embryology , Bone Marrow/abnormalities , Infant, Low Birth Weight , Colposcopy/methods , Conization/methods , Neoadjuvant Therapy/adverse effects , Fetal Growth Retardation , Watchful Waiting/methods , Trachelectomy/methods , Abdomen/diagnostic imaging
Rev. Bras. Saúde Mater. Infant. (Online) ; 23: e20220429, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521533


Abstract Introduction: goldenhar syndrome is a rare congenital syndrome that affects the craniofacial morphogenesis. It is a complex syndrome, with heterogeneous presentation which the diagnosis can still be performed in the intrauterine through morphological ultrasound. Description: a case report of a 4-year-old male patient diagnosed with Goldenhar syndrome, along with its clinical presentation, diagnostic investigation and follow-up. Discussion: the follow-up on these patients remains a challenge, since it can affect different systems and with different presentations. The earlier the diagnosis is performed, the greater the patient's chances of having a favorable prognosis with multidisciplinary stimulation. The objective of this article is to contribute to the medical literature, in order to assist in the diagnosis and management of future cases.

Resumo Introdução: a síndrome de Goldenhar é uma síndrome congênita rara que afeta a morfogênese craniofacial. Trata-se de uma síndrome complexa, de apresentação heterogênea, cujo diagnóstico pode ser realizado ainda intra-útero através do ultrassom morfológico. Descrição: relato de caso de um paciente do sexo masculino de quatro anos, com diagnóstico de síndrome de Goldenhar, sua apresentação clínica, a investigação diagnóstica e seguimento. Discussão: o acompanhamento desses pacientes continua sendo um desafio, já que pode acometer diversos sistemas e com apresentação diversa. O diagnóstico e a estimulação multiprofissional precoce, podem levar a maiores chances de um prognóstico favorável. O objetivo deste trabalho é contribuir para a literatura médica, de forma a auxiliar no diagnóstico e conduta perante futuros casos.

Humans , Male , Child, Preschool , Prenatal Care , Prenatal Diagnosis , Goldenhar Syndrome/diagnosis , Goldenhar Syndrome/diagnostic imaging
Arch. pediatr. Urug ; 94(1): e305, 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1439317


Introducción: las anomalías en el desarrollo del sistema venoso sistémico son una entidad poco frecuente, cuyo diagnóstico ecocardiográfico prenatal y posnatal puede suponer todo un reto. Por un lado, debido a su baja incidencia y por otro, a la dificultad en la correcta realización de los planos ecocardiográficos. No obstante, su diagnóstico es de vital importancia debido a la asociación con cardiopatías congénitas o cromosopatías. Objetivo: describir dos casos de una anomalía congénita cardiovascular poco frecuente. La persistencia de la vena cava superior izquierda con agenesia de la vena cava superior derecha es una de estas anomalías descritas cuya incidencia es muy baja cuando ambas variaciones se presentan conjuntamente. Casos clínicos: presentamos dos casos de recién nacidos sin antecedentes personales o familiares de interés, diagnosticados prenatalmente, cuyos hallazgos ecocardiográficos se confirman en el período posnatal. Conclusiones: ante el hallazgo aislado en el período fetal de esta variación anatómica que asocia dos anomalías del sistema venoso sistémico, cabe destacar la importancia de su confirmación ecocardiográfica posnatal para descartar cardiopatías congénitas de difícil diagnóstico durante la época prenatal. Así mismo, antes de la confirmación ecocardiográfica que será llevada a cabo por el cardiológico infantil, cabe destacar la importancia del pediatra en la primera exploración física y en la anamnesis a la familia para descartar posibles cardiopatías congénitas críticas o posibles síndromes asociados. El diagnóstico prenatal de persistencia de la vena cava superior izquierda con agenesia de la vena cava superior derecha le permitirá tener un alto grado de sospecha de estas patologías asociadas y por tanto llevar a cabo una actuación clínica precoz.

Introduction: anomalies in the development of the systemic venous system are a rare entity, and its prenatal and postnatal echocardiographic diagnosis can be challenging, due to its low incidence as well as to the difficulty in correctly performing echocardiographic imaging planes. However, its diagnosis is key because it is linked to congenital heart disease or chromosomal anomalies. Objective: describe two cases of a rare cardiovascular congenital anomaly. The persistence of the left superior vena cava with agenesis of the right superior vena cava is one of these described anomalies, with very low incidence when both variations occur together. Clinical cases: we present two cases of newborns with no relevant personal or family history, diagnosed prenatally with confirmed echocardiographic findings in the postnatal period. Conclusions: given the isolated finding in the fetal period of this anatomical variation that associates two anomalies of the systemic venous system, we should note the importance of its postnatal echocardiographic confirmation to rule out congenital heart disease that is difficult to diagnose during the prenatal period. Likewise, prior to the echocardiographic confirmation carried out by the pediatric cardiologist, we should stress the importance of the pediatrician diagnosis in the first physical examination and of the family history to rule out possible critical congenital heart disease or possible associated syndromes. The prenatal diagnosis of VCSIP with agenesis of the VCSD will lead to a high degree of suspicion of these associated pathologies and therefore may lead to early clinical action.

Introdução: as anomalias no desenvolvimento do sistema venoso sistêmico são uma entidade rara, cujo diagnóstico ecocardiográfico pré-natal e pós-natal pode ser um grande desafio. Por um lado, pela sua baixa incidência e, por outro, pela dificuldade em realizar corretamente os planos ecocardiográficos. No entanto, seu diagnóstico é vital devido à associação com cardiopatias congênitas ou anormalidades cromossômicas. Objetivo: descrever dois casos de rara anomalia congênita cardiovascular. A persistência da veia cava superior esquerda com agenesia da veia cava superior direita é uma dessas anomalias descritas cuja incidência é muito baixa quando ambas as variações ocorrem juntas. Casos clínicos: apresentamos dois casos de recém-nascidos sem antecedentes pessoais ou familiares significativos, diagnosticados no pré-natal e cujos achados ecocardiográficos foram confirmados no período pós-natal. Conclusões: dado o achado isolado no período fetal desta variação anatômica que associa duas anomalias do sistema venoso sistêmico, devemos ressaltar a importância de sua confirmação ecocardiográfica pós-natal para descartar cardiopatia congênita de difícil diagnóstico no pré-natal . Da mesma forma, antes da confirmação ecocardiográfica que será realizada pelo cardiologista pediátrico, ressaltamos a importância do pediatra no primeiro exame físico e na história familiar para afastar possíveis cardiopatias congênitas críticas ou possíveis síndromes associadas. O diagnóstico pré-natal de VCSIP com agenesia do VCSD permitirá ter um alto grau de suspeita dessas patologias associadas e, portanto, realizar uma ação clínica precoce.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Vena Cava, Superior/abnormalities , Vena Cava, Superior/diagnostic imaging , Fetal Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Prenatal Diagnosis , Ultrasonography, Prenatal
Arch. pediatr. Urug ; 94(1): e801, 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | UY-BNMED, LILACS, BNUY | ID: biblio-1439312


La hernia diafragmática congénita es un defecto en el diafragma que lleva a la herniación del contenido abdominal a la cavidad torácica durante el período intrauterino. La morbimortalidad está determinada por la asociación con otras malformaciones, el grado de hipoplasia pulmonar y la presencia de hipertensión pulmonar secundaria. Presenta una incidencia estimada de 1 cada 2.500-3.000 recién nacidos vivos, constituyendo en un 60% una malformación aislada. Es una patología evolutiva que puede ser diagnosticada a partir de la semana 20-24, la ubicación más habitual es la posterolateral izquierda. Se trata de una patología que requiere ingreso a cuidados intensivos al nacimiento y luego de lograda la estabilización del paciente es de sanción quirúrgica. Los objetivos de este trabajo son conocer las características generales de la patología para sistematizar el manejo logrando así un óptimo asesoramiento de los padres a nivel prenatal y seguimiento postnatal del recién nacido.

Congenital diaphragmatic hernia is a defect in the diaphragm that leads to herniation of theabdominal contents of the thoracic cavity during the intrauterine period. Morbidity and mortality are determined by the association with other malformations, the degree ofpulmonary hypoplasia and the presence of secondary pulmonary hypertension.It has an estimated incidence of 1 every 2,500-3,000 live newborns, and in 60% of the cases it is an isolated malformation. It is an evolutionary pathology that can be diagnosed from week 20-24; it is most commonly located in the left posterolateral. It is a pathology that requires intensive care at birth and after delivery and once the patient has been stabilized, surgical action is required. The objectives of this work are to understand the general characteristics of the pathology in order to refine its manipulation and achieve optimal counseling for parents at the newborn's prenatal and postnatal stages.

A hérnia diafragmática congênita é um defeito no diafragma que leva à herniação doconteúdo abdominal para a cavidade torácica durante o período intrauterino. A morbimortalidade é determinada pela associação com outras malformações, pelo grau de hipoplasia pulmonar e pela presença de hipertensão pulmonar secundária. Apresenta uma incidência estimada de 1 a cada 2.500-3.000 nascidos vivos, constituindo-se em 60% uma malformação isolada. É uma patologia evolutiva que pode ser diagnosticada a partir da semana 20-24 e a localização mais comum é o póstero-lateral esquerdo. É uma patologia que requer internação em terapia intensiva ao nascimento e após o parto. Uma vez que o paciente for estabilizado, é necessária ação cirúrgica. Os objetivos deste paper são conhecer as características gerais da patologia para melhorar o seu manejo, obtendo assim um aconselhamento ideal para os pais no nível pré-natal e no acompanhamento do crescimento pós-natal do recém-nascido.

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Postnatal Care/standards , Hernias, Diaphragmatic, Congenital/therapy , Postoperative Period , Prenatal Diagnosis/standards , Prognosis , Severity of Illness Index , Patient Transfer/standards , Critical Care/standards , Preoperative Period , Hernias, Diaphragmatic, Congenital/surgery , Analgesia/standards , Hypertension, Pulmonary/therapy , Monitoring, Physiologic/standards
In. Serra Sansone, María del Pilar; Vitureira Liard, Gerardo José; Pereda Domínguez, Jimena; Medina Romero, Gonzalo Alexander; Rodríguez Rey, Marianela Ivonne; Blanc Reynoso, Agustina; Santos, Karina de los; Morán, Rosario; Sotelo, Débora; Barreiro, Carolina. Diabetes y embarazo. Montevideo, Cuadrado, 2023. p.117-141, tab.
Monography in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1419147
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431751


Objetivo: Describir los resultados maternos y perinatales de pacientes con diagnóstico prenatal de gastrosquisis atendidos en un centro de referencia obstétrica de Medellín. Método: Estudio observacional, descriptivo y retrospectivo, llevado a cabo en la Clínica Universitaria Bolivariana en fetos con diagnóstico prenatal de gastrosquisis desde el 1 de enero de 2010 hasta el 31 de julio de 2021. Resultados: Se identificaron 54 gestantes con diagnóstico prenatal de gastrosquisis. En el 63% era su primer embarazo y el 27,8% eran adolescentes. La duración promedio de la gestación fue de 35 semanas y 6 días. La cesárea fue la vía más común (98,1%) y la indicación más frecuente fue sufrimiento de asa 66,7%. El 55,6% de los neonatos requirieron más de una intervención quirúrgica para el cierre de la pared abdominal. Las complicaciones más frecuentes fueron anemia (66,7%) e íleo posoperatorio (72,2%). La mortalidad fue del 13%. Conclusiones: Se evidencian algunas características similares a las reportadas en otras series. La mayor presentación fue en primer embarazo, la causa de finalización de la gestación fue sufrimiento de asas (demostrando la importancia del seguimiento ecográfico), y las complicaciones más frecuentes fueron anemia e íleo posoperatorio presentados por la prematuridad. La mortalidad comparada con la de otras instituciones locales fue menor.

Objective: To describe the outcomes of maternal and perinatal in patients diagnosed with prenatal gastroschisis that received medical care at an obstetric reference center in Medellin. Method: Observational, descriptive and retrospective study in fetuses with a prenatal diagnosis of gastroschisis performed in the Clínica Universitaria Bolivariana between January 1st 2010 and July 31st 2021. Results: Were included 54 pregnant women with prenatal diagnosis of gastroschisis. The 63% were their first pregnancy and 27,8% were adolescents. The average duration of gestation was 35 weeks and 6 days. Cesarean section was the most common way of delivery (98,1%) and the most frequent indication was suffering from loop (66,7%). The 55,6% of neonates required more than one surgical intervention for closure of the abdominal wall. The most frequent complications were anemia (66,7%) and postoperative ileus (72,2%). A mortality of 13% was presented. Conclusions: Some characteristics like reported in other series are evident. The greatest presentation was in the first pregnancy, the cause of termination of pregnancy was suffering from loops (demonstrating the importance of ultrasound monitoring) and the most frequent complications were anemia and postoperative ileus presented by prematurity. Mortality, compared to other local institutions, was lower.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Adolescent , Young Adult , Prenatal Diagnosis , Gastroschisis/surgery , Gastroschisis/diagnosis , Pregnancy Outcome , Cesarean Section , Retrospective Studies , Ultrasonography/methods , Perinatal Care , Gastroschisis/complications , Gastroschisis/diagnostic imaging
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 88(1): 16-24, 2023. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431752


Introducción: Las cardiopatías congénitas son las anomalías más frecuentes y la principal causa de muerte infantil y neonatal. El diagnóstico prenatal mejora el resultado perinatal determinando el lugar de nacimiento y el nivel de cuidado neonata. La telemedicina mediante videoconferencia en tiempo real permite mejorar la precisión diagnóstica y planificar el nacimiento. Objetivo: Determinar el diagnóstico y manejo perinatal de fetos con sospecha de cardiopatía congénitas, evaluadas a través de telemedicina en tiempo real atendidas en CERPO en el periodo 2017-2022. Material y métodos: Estudio retrospectivo de las evaluaciones mediante telemedicina en tiempo real realizadas en CERPO entre los años 2017 a 2022. Se revisó el resultado perinatal y se compararon los diagnósticos pre y postnatales, extraídos de la base de datos CERPO y Unidad de Neonatología del Hospital Luis Tisné Brousse. Resultados: La correlación del diagnóstico de cardiopatía congénita mediante telemedicina es de un 81,8% y de 89,8% con el diagnostico posnatal. Conclusiones: La evaluación por medio de telemedicina permite mejorar la precisión diagnostica de la cardiopatía congénita en áreas con escaso acceso a operadores experimentados en evaluación cardiaca fetal. Esto minimiza el impacto económico y social asociado al manejo perinatal de un feto con cardiopatía congénita en nuestro país.

Introduction: Congenital heart disease is the most common anomaly and the leading cause of infant and neonatal death. Prenatal diagnosis improves perinatal outcomes by choosing the right place of birth and level of neonatal care. Telemedicine by videoconferencing in real-time allows for improved diagnostic accuracy and birth planning. Objective: To determine the diagnosis and perinatal management of fetuses with suspected congenital heart disease, evaluated by telemedicine at CERPO in the period 2017-2022. Material and Methods: Retrospective study of evaluations via real-time videoconferencing performed at CERPO between 2017-2022. The perinatal outcome was reviewed, and pre and postnatal diagnoses were compared. The data was extracted from the CERPO database and the Neonatology Unit of the Luis Tisné Brousse Hospital. Results: The correlation of congenital heart disease diagnosis by telemedicine was 81.8% and 89.8% with postnatal diagnosis. Conclusions: Telemedicine assessment improves the diagnostic accuracy of congenital heart disease in areas with poor access to an experienced fetal cardiac specialist. This minimizes the economic and social impact associated with our countrys perinatal management of a fetus with congenital heart disease.

Humans , Prenatal Diagnosis/methods , Telemedicine/methods , Heart Defects, Congenital/diagnosis , Congenital Abnormalities/diagnosis , Echocardiography , Retrospective Studies , Videoconferencing , Heart Defects, Congenital/therapy
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 88(1): 71-83, 2023. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431756


El hipospadias es la localización anormal del meato urinario y es la malformación de genitales externos más frecuentemente diagnosticada. El diagnóstico prenatal es posible mediante ecografía sistemática desde la semana 20 de gestación, siendo más fácil su diagnóstico en el tercer trimestre. Las formas leves suelen ser aisladas, familiares o asociadas a disfunción placentaria o restricción de crecimiento intrauterino, mientras que las formas más graves presentan hasta un 30% de asociación a defectos fetales, anomalías cromosómicas/genéticas o anomalías del desarrollo sexual. La tríada para el diagnóstico ecográfico prenatal consiste en curvatura ventral del pene, anomalía del prepucio dorsal y punta del pene roma. La valoración de la uretra durante la micción y el aspecto del chorro miccional son de gran utilidad para clasificar el defecto. Cuando se diagnostica hipospadias peneano o escrotal es aconsejable realizar una amniocentesis para estudio genético fetal y valorar otros signos de adecuada virilización, como el descenso testicular a partir de la semana 27. El seguimiento tras el parto debe ser multidisciplinario, incluyendo urólogo y endocrinólogo infantil. En hipospadias leves el pronóstico es bueno con reparación quirúrgica en el primer año de vida, pero las formas graves pueden presentar un reto mayor para su corrección funcional y estética.

Hypospadias refers to the abnormal location of the meatus; it is the most common genital malformation detected in the fetus and newborn. Prenatal diagnosis is feasible from 20 weeks onwards with routine ultrasound; however, it is easier to diagnose during the third trimester of pregnancy. Mild defects are usually isolated, familiar o related to placental disfunction or intrauterine growth restriction, while the severe hypospadias are associated to other fetal defects, genetic or chromosomal abnormalities or disorders of sex development. In about 30% of cases. The triad of ultrasound findings prenatally is ventral curvature of the penis, redundant dorsal foreskin and blunt distal penis. The identification of the urethra during the micturition and the direction of the urinary stream help in the classification of the defect. When severe hypospadias is detected, the recommendation is to perform genetic amniocentesis and search for other ultrasound findings related to poor virilization in the fetus, as testicular descent after 27 weeks of gestation. Postnatal follow up should be multidisciplinary including infantile urologist and endocrinologist. The prognosis in distal hypospadias is usually good following surgical repair, however in severe cases surgical interventions may be more challenging in order to obtain satisfactory outcome in terms of function and esthetic.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Ultrasonography, Prenatal , Hypospadias/diagnostic imaging , Prenatal Diagnosis , Diagnosis, Differential , Fetal Growth Retardation , Hypospadias/surgery , Hypospadias/classification , Hypospadias/etiology
Rev. cuba. pediatr ; 952023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1515292


Introducción: La holoprosencefalia es la consecuencia directa de cambios genéticos o ambientales específicos que interrumpen la división de la línea media del prosencéfalo embrionario o prosencéfalo. Estas alteraciones pueden condicionar disímiles alteraciones fenotípicas en los seres humanos. Objetivo: Describir las manifestaciones clínicas de pacientes con holoprosencefalia y la conducta clínica y terapéutica en un neonato. Presentación del caso: Hijo de padres no consanguíneos, madre de 35 años de edad con antecedente de cervicitis y gestorragia en la segunda mitad del embarazo, y antecedentes familiares de diabetes mellitus y cardiopatía. El parto se produjo a término a las 37 semanas, distócico por cesárea secundaria a un hematoma retroplacentario. Se obtuvo un recién nacido del sexo masculino con presentación pelviana, peso de 3380 gramos y Apgar 9/9 al nacer. La cesárea se realizó en el Hospital Materno Sur Mariana Grajales Coello (área urbana) de Santiago de Cuba. En el recién nacido se observaron rasgos dismórficos principalmente cráneo-facial. No precisó reanimación, pero a los pocos minutos comenzó con cuadro de dificultad respiratoria e hiposaturación. Conclusiones: En la holoprosencefalia el diagnóstico posnatal se puede realizar mediante las características fenotípicas, las malformaciones faciales y los estudios neuroimagenológicos como el ultrasonido transfontanelar y la tomografía axial computarizada de cráneo. Los pacientes deben evaluarse y seguirse en la evolución por un equipo multidisciplinario de especialidades como otorrinolaringología, máxilo-facial, neuropediatría, consulta de neurodesarrollo, genética, fisiatría e imagenología(AU)

Introduction: Holoprosencephaly is the direct consequence of specific genetic or environmental changes that disrupt midline division of the embryonic prosencephalon or prosencephalon. These alterations can condition dissimilar phenotypic alterations in humans. Objective: To describe the clinical manifestations of patients with holoprosencephaly and the clinical and therapeutic behavior in a neonate. Case presentation: Child of non-consanguineous parents, 35-year-old mother with a history of cervicitis and gestation bleeding in the second half of pregnancy, and family history of diabetes mellitus and heart disease. Delivery was at term, at 37 weeks, dystocic by cesarean section secondary to a retroplacental hematoma. The result was a male newborn with breech presentation, weight 3380 grams and Apgar 9/9 at birth. The cesarean section was performed at the Hospital Materno Sur Mariana Grajales Coello (urban area) of Santiago de Cuba. Dysmorphic features were observed in the newborn, mainly craniofacial dysmorphic ones. He did not require resuscitation, but a few minutes later he presented respiratory distress and hyposaturation. Conclusions: In holoprosencephaly, postnatal diagnosis can be made by phenotypic features, facial malformations and neuroimaging studies such as transfontanellar ultrasound and cranial computed tomography. Patients should be evaluated and followed in evolution by a multidisciplinary team of specialties such as otorhinolaryngology, maxillofacial, neuropediatrics, neurodevelopmental consultation, genetics, physiatry and imaging(AU)

Humans , Male , Infant, Newborn , Prenatal Diagnosis/methods , Holoprosencephaly/diagnostic imaging
Rev. saúde pública (Online) ; 57: 18, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1432151


ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To assess the effect of attending antenatal classes on fear of childbirth and antenatal stress in nulliparous pregnant women. METHODS A total of 133 nulliparous pregnant women participated in the study, which had a quasi-experimental design. Data were collected by a descriptive data form, the Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire, and the Antenatal Perceived Stress Inventory (APSI). RESULTS A significant correlation was found between antenatal class attendance and having a high schooling level and an intended pregnancy (p < 0.05). The mean fear of childbirth score of pregnant women was 85.50 ± 19.41 before the training and 76.32 ± 20.52 after the training, and the difference between these scores was significant (p < 0.01). Fear of childbirth score were not significantly different between the intervention group and the control group. The mean APSI score of pregnant women in the intervention group was 22.32 ± 6.12 before the training and 21.79 ± 5.97 after the training. However, this difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.70). CONCLUSION The fear of childbirth score decreased significantly in the intervention group after the training.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pregnancy, Abdominal , Prenatal Care , Prenatal Diagnosis , Parturition , Fear , Prenatal Education
Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine ; (12): 753-759, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985468


To explore the application value of whole exome sequencing (WES) in the diagnosis of prenatal and postnatal neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs). A total of 70 patients diagnosed with NDDs who underwent WES at the Medical Genetics Center of the Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Hubei Province between June 2020 and July 2021 were retrospectively analyzed. Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood samples and amniotic fluid. WES-based copy number variant (CNV) analysis was integrated into the routine WES data analysis pipeline. The results showed that a molecular diagnosis rate could be made in 21/70 (30%) cases. Of 21 positive cases, 14 (23%) cases were detected by single-nucleotide variant/small insertion/deletion (SNV/Indel) analysis, of which 12 variants were novel, 6 (9.8%) cases were detected by WES-based CNV analysis, and 1 (1.6%) case was detected by a combination of both. The diagnostic yield of WES combined with CNV analysis was higher than that of SNV/Indel analysis alone (30%, 21/70 vs. 20%, 14/70). Of the 28 prenatally diagnosed cases, 6 cases were found to have inherited parental variation for NDDs, 10 cases were found not to have the same pathogenic variation as the proband, and the remaining 12 cases were found to have no pathogenic or likely pathogenic variation that could explain the NDDs phenotype. Clinical follow-up showed that 5 families opted for abortion and the remaining had no current abnormalities. In conclusion, WES may be an effective method to clarify the genetic etiology and prenatal diagnosis of NDDs, which is helpful in assessing the prognosis to aid clinical management and reproductive guidance.

Pregnancy , Humans , Female , Exome Sequencing , Retrospective Studies , Prenatal Diagnosis , Amniotic Fluid , Phenotype
Chinese Journal of Medical Genetics ; (6): 368-373, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970935


OBJECTIVE@#To explore the genetic characteristics of idic(X)(p11.22) in Turner syndrome (TS).@*METHODS@#Two fetuses suspected for sex chromosome abnormalities or ultrasound abnormalities were selected from Chengdu Women's and Children's Central Hospital in October 2020 and June 2020, and amniotic fluid samples were collected for G-banded chromosomal karyotyping analysis, chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA), and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH).@*RESULTS@#The two fetuses were respectively found to have a karyotype of 45,X[47]/46,X,psu idic(X)(p11.2)[53] and 46,X,psu idic(X)(p11.2). CMA found that both had deletions in the Xp22.33p11.22 region and duplications in the p11.22q28 region. FISH showed that the centromeres in both fetuses had located on an isochromosome.@*CONCLUSION@#The combination of karyotyping analysis, FISH, and CMA is useful for the delineation of complex structural chromosomal aberrations. High-resolution CMA can accurately identify chromosomal breakpoints, which can provide a clue for elucidating the mechanism of chromosomal breakage and rearrangement.

Female , Pregnancy , Humans , Turner Syndrome/genetics , In Situ Hybridization, Fluorescence , Sex Chromosome Aberrations , Centromere , Prenatal Diagnosis
Chinese Journal of Medical Genetics ; (6): 295-300, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970922


OBJECTIVE@#To study the molecular epidemiology of thalassemia in Jiaxing area of Zhejiang province and provide a basis for prenatal diagnosis, genetic counseling and prevention and control of birth defects.@*METHODS@#A total of 24 003 pregnant women who presented at the Jiaxing Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital from April 2017 to September 2021 were enrolled. Capillary hemoglobin electrophoresis in combination with routine blood test were used for primary screening for carriers of thalassemia-associated mutations, and those with positive results were subjected to fluorescence quantitative PCR assay. Prenatal diagnosis was provided for couples with a risk of giving birth to children with intermediate or severe thalassemia.@*RESULTS@#Among the 24 003 pregnant women, 1 211 cases were suspected as carriers of thalassemia-associated mutations, among whom 443 (36.58%) were confirmed by genetic testing. Among these, carriers of α-, β- and α-complex β-globin gene mutations have accounted for 27.31% (121/443), 70.65% (313/443) and 2.04% (9/443), respectively. The result of prenatal diagnosis for an at-risk couple was --SEA/αCSα, and the fetus was predicted to have intermediate or severe thalassemia. Termination of the pregnancy was recommended.@*CONCLUSION@#Hemoglobin electrophoresis combined with routine blood test during pregnancy may be used as a preliminary screening measure for carriers of thalassemia-associated variants. Combined with genetic testing, this will be of great significance for the control of thalassemia in this region.

Female , Humans , Pregnancy , Electrophoresis, Capillary , Genetic Counseling , Genetic Testing , Mutation , Prenatal Diagnosis , Thalassemia/genetics
Chinese Journal of Medical Genetics ; (6): 230-233, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970911


OBJECTIVE@#To explore the genetic characteristics of a fetus with a high risk by maternal serum screening during the second trimester.@*METHODS@#Genetic counseling was provided to the pregnant woman on March 22, 2020 at Henan Provincial People's Hospital. G-banded chromosomal karyotyping and array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) were carried out on the amniotic fluid sample and peripheral blood samples from the couple.@*RESULTS@#The fetus and the pregnant woman were respectively found to have a 46,XX,der(6)t(6;14)(q27;q31.2) and 46,XX,t(6;14)(q27;q31.2) karyotype, whilst the husband was found to have a normal karyotype. aCGH analysis has identified a 6.64 Mb deletion at 6q26q27 and a 19.98 Mb duplication at 14q31.3q32.33 in the fetus, both of which were predicted to be pathogenic copy number variations. No copy number variation was found in the couple.@*CONCLUSION@#The unbalanced chromosome abnormalities in the fetus have probably derived from the balanced translocation carried by the pregnant woman. aCGH can help to determine the types of fetal chromosome abnormalities and site of chromosomal breakage, which may facilitate the prediction of fetal outcome and choice for subsequent pregnancies.

Pregnancy , Female , Humans , Comparative Genomic Hybridization , DNA Copy Number Variations , Translocation, Genetic , Chromosome Aberrations , Fetus , Prenatal Diagnosis